Head of the Department of Monitoring and internal theory: Ochilov Keldiyor Turdievich
Tel: +99870 717 17 79
E-mail: monitorng@uzdjtsu.uz
The department is a structural subdivision of the University and is subject to the rector of the University.
The department carries out activities related to Coordination of control works at the University, studying the status of the executive discipline in departments and other structural units, preparation of proposals for increasing the effectiveness of executive control, control of the execution of proceedings and documents, their systematic analysis and regular monitoring.
The main tasks of the department are as follows:
Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decisions and orders of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Board of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of;
implementation of internal control over the legal solution of written and oral appeals of citizens and execution of proceedings and documents by the university departments and other structural units.
Rights of the Department
The department uses the following rights in carrying out the tasks assigned to it:
To obtain materials and information necessary for the performance of the duties and functions assigned to the department in accordance with the established procedure from the departments and other structural units of the University;
if necesary, make proposals to the rector of the University on the implementation of disciplinary measures established by law in relation to managers and responsible employees who do not comply with the executive discipline;
Organization of educational-methodical and practical seminars on the issues of working with documents and strengthening the executive discipline; the Department may also have other rights in accordance with the legislation.