The educational and methodological department (next referred to as the “Department”) is a structural structure responsible for the organization of educational activities based on state educational standards, educational and working training plans, model and working programs in subjects, syllabuses of science, developed and approved taking into account the modern requirements of socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, studying the experience of Universities.
The main functions of the educational and methodological department
1. The educational and methodological department organizes the educational process in accordance with the established state educational standards, educational and working curricula, model and working curricula in subjects, syllabuses of science, on the basis of which it draws up lesson schedules and ensures its full implementation by all departments.
2. Coordinates the activities of departments and other structural structures related to the educational process.
3. Regularly works on improvement of state educational standards, curricula, subject programs, syllabuses for each educational direction and master's specialty based on the experience of developed countries and the requirements of the times. Also, during the period of application of regulatory documents to the educational process, he identifies the norms that are not working well in them and prepares appropriate recommendations and proposals for their further improvement.
4. The department, together with relevant departments, implements the current evaluation system, controls the quality of teaching, and monitors student learning.
5. Studies, summarizes and introduces modern information and pedagogical technologies and practical experiences used in the country and abroad into the educational process.
6. Ensures that course work, graduate qualification work, master's dissertation topics are devoted to the current problems of the deepening of industry reforms, democratization of society, and the development strategy of our country, and supervises the writing of the example of a specific enterprise
7. Together with relevant departments and departments, examines and recommends or approves working study plans, study and work programs of subjects, syllabuses, textbooks, study guides, other types of teaching-methodical documents submits to the Educational and Methodological Council and the University Council.
8. Monitors the provision of study programs and other educational and methodological documents to students by departments.
9. Researches and plans the distribution of teaching loads performed by professors and teachers of the university, the staff schedule of professors and teachers.
10. Based on the time standards, the amount of teaching loads, teaching-methodical, scientific-research and organizational-methodical work that the professors-teachers, department heads and relevant departments of the university must perform during the academic year. and determines its content and takes it to the University Council for approval.
11. Monitors the implementation of the planned teaching loads in the departments and formalizes the documents of professors and teachers who work part time .
12. Review and accept the annual reports of departments, professors and teachers and participate in the preparation of the annual general report of the university.
13. The university organizes open classes in order to ensure mutual exchange of experience between professors and teachers.
14. Takes measures to introduce the decisions of the University Council and the Educational and Methodological Council into the educational process.
15. Plans all organizational work on the protection of the state exam, master's dissertations from specialist subjects. The state Attestation Commission prepares the necessary documents on the organization of work (SAC) and conveys them to university units, relevant departments and departments, supervises the work of the DAC, requires timely execution of SAC reports and submission to the educational and methodological Directorate.
16. Cabinet heads of university departments manage the educational and methodical activities of the relevant departments, supervise their keeping of work documents and compliance with labor discipline.
17. The department organizes seminars to improve the skills of professors and teachers in modern pedagogical and information technologies and foreign languages.
18. The university constantly monitors the educational and methodological activities of the departments, makes proposals for improving educational and methodological work and introduces them to the discussion of the University Council and Educational and Methodical Councils.
19. Creating a list of educational buildings and educational auditoriums related to the "Infrastructure" menu of the Hemis information system.
20. Formation of groups of subjects and lists of subjects related to the "Base of Subjects" menu of the Hemis information system.
21. Formation of academic years, evaluation systems, types of evaluations, types of rating reports, lists of educational pairs and lists of exams related to the "Educational Process" menu of the Hemis information system.
22. Formation of statistical data on students and teachers at the level of the higher education institution related to the "Statistics" menu of the Hemis information system.
23. The academic debtor supervises the organization of retraining of students of undergraduate education and master's specializations by the relevant department.
24. To controls the organization of production, professional and other types of internships of students by the relevant department.
25. Develops methodological guidelines for the organization and conduct of practices and requires the submission of practice reports from those in charge.
26. Constantly monitors the correct registration of students' personal documents, rating records and other similar documents in the relevant departments.

Head of the department: Kholmurodov Laziz Zarifboyevich
Reception hours: Monday-Saturday ( 9:00 - 17:00 )
Phone number: +998 93 761 80 00