Department of student practice and employment
Ensuring the practice and employment of students (i.e. "Department") was created to implement the resolution of the president of the republic of Uzbekistan of November 3, 2022 No. PP-414 “About measures for further enhancement of system of training and scientific research in the sphere of physical culture and sport”, the resolution of the president of the republic of Uzbekistan of July 3, 2022 No. PP-200, to strengthen students' theoretical knowledge in practice, to increase the level and quality of their preparation for professional activities, as well as to support them during the internship period. It is a structural department which’s created to ensure the implementation of the Regulation "On the qualification practice of students of higher and secondary special educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan" approved in accordance with Order No. 305 dated on October 30, 1998 and No. 202 dated on June 13, 2022.
Department functions
- To ensure the organization of student practice in places where’re suitable for the educational direction and specialty.
- To study the processes of organization of student internships in organizations, analyze the results of the study, develop problems and proposals and present them to the university management.
- To study advanced foreign and national experiences in organizing student practice and prepare proposals for its implementation.
- To prepare the analytical data on the organization of student practice.
- To draw up work plans of the department and ensuring their execution, to organize the planned career days based on the work plan of the department and organization.
- To conclude contracts with practice facilities for the next calendar year by December 1 of each year.
- To create an internship program and necessary documents for the organization of student internships in cooperation with departments, to form a student base for internships.
- To go to the facilities before the start of practice to organize the necessary preparations for the arrival of students.
- To ensure the organization of student practice in places, institutions and organizations appropriate to the educational direction and specialty.
- To study the processes of organization of student practice in places, institutions and organizations, to analyze the results of the study and to develop problems and suggestions and present them to the university management.
- To prepare the analytical data on the organization of student practice.
- To develop the practical proposals for the organization of export of educational services and implementation of relevant measures.
- To ensure the organization of events before students go to practice.
- To lead the preparation of student scientific conferences on the results of the practice and the work of the commission evaluating the results of the practice.
- To place the acceptance vote of "Hemis" information system.
- To form the graduation sheet of the "Hemis" information system.
- To monitor the employment of graduate students in the "Students" menu of the "Hemis" information system.
- To establish collaboration with regional and district employment offices in the employment of university graduates, and to receive reports at the end of student internships, to submit information to the educational and methodological department at the end of internships by cooperation with heads of the departments.

Head of Department
Alfayzov Salokhiddin Abdusalomvich

Chief specialist of the Department of Student Practice and Employment
Jumaniozov Jasurbek Jumiyozovich