Department of Youth Work, Spirituality and Education
In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 1996 No PF-1559 "On further improving the activities and increasing the efficiency of the Public Center" Spirituality and Enlightenment " In particular, the position of Vice-Rector for Spiritual and Enlightenment Affairs and the Department of Spirituality and Enlightenment have been established at the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports. During his time at the university, he has been working with young people, developing their spirituality and enlightenment Leading specialists such as O. Pulatov, A. Hakimov, N. Gafforov have been successful. Today, Babadzhanov Rustam Yuldashovich is working as the head of the Department of youth work, spirituality and enlightenment
The main purpose of the department
To develop high spiritual qualities in the society, to form the national ideology, to educate the youth in the spirit of respect for our rich historical and cultural heritage, national traditions, universal values, love for the Motherland, devotion to the ideas of national independence, broad-minded, healthy, physical, The purpose of the department is to form people who are mentally and spiritually mature, who understand the essence of socio-political, legal, economic reforms and can promote them through new social relations.
The main tasks of the department:
In the formation of students' worldview, on the basis of national and universal values, rich historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of our people, educates them in a comprehensively developed generation on the example of human qualities such as patriotism, diligence, humanity, faith, compassion; The Law "On Education", "National Program of Personnel Training", materials of the session of the Oliy Majlis, Presidential decrees, works, speeches, resolutions of the Government, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Carries out its work in accordance with the requirements of the decisions, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports, regulations of educational authorities; The department takes into account the potential and interests of group coaches in the planning of educational work at the university, the degree to which they can perform tasks; fosters in students a sense of patriotism, devotion to the President, Constitution and State symbols of the Republic of Uzbekistan; educates in the spirit of identifying and educating spiritually, mentally, physically fit, economically, legally literate, hard-working, talented youth, the implementation of the concept of "Family, neighborhood, university"; instills in the minds of our youth a high sense of respect for the motherland, the heritage of our great ancestors and the creative work of our people today; organizes trips to ancient historical monuments and educational institutions, museums, theaters and exhibitions built during the independence; studies the experience of other educational institutions; assigned to the University Council, the Council of Spirituality and Enlightenment discusses issues, implements their decisions; the whole team of professors and teachers, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan bt and other organizations, students, coaches, neighborhoods and parents, coordinates their work; in order to effectively organize the leisure time of students at the university and to organize extracurricular educational work, to provide them with scientific, creative Involves and regularly monitors the activities of journalism and professional circles and sports sections; the impact of high national and universal values of our people on the development of culture and spirituality of our society, their role in building a secular, legal state and civil society studies the place and role of students and reveals their essence in practice in the education of students; forms a deep knowledge of the enlightenment, historical and scientific basis of all religions of the population of the republic through the positive features of world religions; various harmful ideas through the widespread promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the population Develops and implements measures to create an environment free from the influence of extremism, all forms of extremism and religious fanaticism, a broad explanation of the nature of the reaction, freedom from drug addiction and immorality; promotes the basics of peace and harmony policy and conducts extensive explanatory work to strengthen them; organizes the process of ensuring that education is aimed at the full manifestation of the abilities and talents of students, radically updates its content, identifies measures to ensure the priority of national and universal values, the harmonization of personal and environmental relations, the formation of students' worldview, high spirituality, culture and creative thinking; Carries out a wide range of activities aimed at cultivating a sense of pride and responsibility for the motherland and its people, respect for its ancient history, building a prosperous and prosperous life in the organization of the educational process; In close cooperation with the leaders of scientific, creative, journalistic, professional circles and sports sections, creates spiritual and educational work; Participates directly in the preparation of issues to be discussed at the Council of Spirituality and Enlightenment of the University, ensures their implementation; organizes and implements activities aimed at improving the political and legal literacy of coaches of the academic group; National holidays celebrated in our country: Independence, Constitution, Day of Remembrance and Honor, Navruz, Teachers 'and Coaches' Day, International Women's Day, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Graduation Night. Provides; closely assists and directs the coordination and conduct of spiritual and educational work carried out by the Information Resource Center of the University; creates conditions for self-management of students, pays special attention to their abilities and talents , helps to develop their creative potential; coaches of the academic group on a certain day of the week ensure a high level of "Information Hour" about major changes in the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres of our country and the world; The head of the department or the vice-rector for youth education reports to the University Council twice a year (in the first and second semesters).

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education:
Babadzhanov Rustam Yuldashovich

Working with young people,
spirituality and enlightenment
Department designer:
Ergasheva Dilfuza Komiljonovna

Working with young people,
spirituality and enlightenment
Department designer:
Xudoyberdiyeva Ma’mura Abdulhayevna
Working with young people,
spirituality and enlightenment
Department designer:
Hamroyev Alibek Shuhratovich