Tasks and functions of the department
- The main tasks of the department are as follows:
- Conducting work in the department on the basis of current regulatory legal documents, as well as organizing work using modern technologies.
- To strengthen the role of USUPES in solving the problems of socio-economic and humanitarian development of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Development of new forms, methods and technologies of personnel training, ensuring high quality and efficiency of their activities in the fields of education, science and management;
-Organization and conducting of scientific-research works on the most urgent problems of education and science;
- Implementation of innovative activities;
- The department implements joint educational programs that provide the qualification of a highly educated specialist in educational areas and master's specialties.
- In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the department performs the following functions:
- The head of the department generally manages the employees of the department;
- The activity of the department is carried out in accordance with the normative and legal documents, as well as it organizes work using modern technologies;
- Controls in advance the timely and correct formalization of documents in the department and the legality of the work being carried out;
- The department may perform other tasks and functions within its powers.

Department of coordination of joint educational programs: Asatova Gulsara
Reception time: Monday-Saturday 900 – 1700
Phone: +998 90-323-23-77
E-mail: G.Asatova@jtsu.uz
Address: Building "A", room 216