The Department of Organization and Management of the Educational Process (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a systematic structure responsible for organizing training sessions on the basis of approved state educational standards, qualification requirements, curricula and working curricula, curricula for subjects and syllabuses. The department in its activities follows the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education," decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the University Charter, decisions of the University Council, orders of the rector and other regulatory documents.
Main tasks of the department:
1. Plans the learning process, monitors and ensures the quality of education.
2. Based on the curriculum and the working curriculum, prepares a schedule for master's students, in-class and out-of-class forms of education, and monitors its full implementation by all departments.
3. Introduces approved training schedules into the HEMIS information system.
4. It creates a list of educational buildings and training rooms related to the "Infrastructure" menu of the Hemis information system.
5. Adds groups and lists of items to the "Objects Base" menu in Hemis information system.
6. Introduces rating systems, rating types, rating record types, and lists of training pairs related to the "Learning Process" menu of the Hemis information system.
7. In the Hemis information system, it monitors the conduct of classes by professors and student attendance records.
8. Controls and conducts the timely and correct organization of classes, prepares analytical data on student attendance.
9. Organizes final state certification, final certification in individual subjects, interdisciplinary final certification in the field of education (specialties), final qualification work (master's dissertation) defense.
10. Systematically studies and analyzes the state of implementation of independent learning based on educational areas (specialties), if necessary, conducts online surveys among students and takes prompt measures to eliminate shortcomings.
11. Develops criteria for monitoring students' knowledge, intermediate and final control works.
12. Develops a system for preparing teaching and methodological complexes for subjects, approves a plan and recommends it for publication.
13. The heads of the departments of the University control the conduct of the educational and methodological activities of the corresponding departments, their working documents and compliance with the labor discipline.
14. Prepares documents for the attestation of the higher educational institution.

Head of the educational process organization and management department: Yaqubov Fazliddin Muxitdinovich
Reception time: Monday-Saturday 900 – 1700
Phone number: (97) 155-89-11
E-mail: f.yoqubov@jtsu.uz
Address: “A” bino, 215-xona