Activities of the department: The Department of Strategic Development and International Ratings is a structural unit of the State University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan.
The department coordinates the cooperation of the university and its constituent units, professors, and employees with organizations that publish international ratings.
In the implementation of its activities, the department cooperates with all structural divisions and departments of the university, as well as with foreign higher education institutions, organizations and centers.
The purpose of the department:
- Studying different international rating systems (QS, THE, ARWU, etc.) and analyzing the criteria set by them;
- Compare the current state of the university with these ratings and determine its strengths and weaknesses;
- Development of strategic plans to improve the position of the university in international rankings;
- Development of measures to increase the scientific, educational and innovative potential of the university;
- Collecting and providing statistical and scientific data necessary for rating organizations;
- Regularly updating information about the university's activities;
- Strengthen cooperation with international universities, research institutes and organizations;
- Development of student and faculty exchange programs;
- Development and implementation of marketing strategies to increase the image of the university in the international arena;
- To widely promote the success and achievements of the university at the international level;
- Reporting to the university management on the results of the rating and developing proposals.
Tasks of the department: Cooperation with organizations and rating agencies that publish international ratings helps university departments and departments to implement projects;
Conducts foreign trips based on international ratings based on current regulatory documents;
Prepares quarterly, half-yearly, nine-monthly and one-year reports on the university's cooperation with organizations that publish international ratings and submits them to the monitoring department of the university with the approval of the university management and presents them to relevant organizations and agencies;
As part of the department's activities, it organizes activities in other areas related to raising the international rating of the University, reviews relevant documents and prepares proposals;
Works directly with organizations that publish international ratings, rating agencies, local and international experts, consultants and specialists;
Organizations that publish international ratings, rating agencies, inviting local and international experts, consultants and experts to the university, as well as organizing and ensuring the participation of university experts in events, roundtables, international forums and conferences abroad, and issuing relevant documents;
The internationally recognized Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Times Higher Education (THE) and other prestigious international ratings make the university enter the TOP 1000;
Aggregate monitoring and coordination of information related to increasing the international rating of the university, determining and controlling the share of the university that is added to the international rating in terms of departments;
Achieving the inclusion of 10 higher education institutions in the ranking of the world's most prestigious "Top-1,000" higher education organizations.
The prestigious British rating organization - Times Higher Education agency has announced the results of its World University Rankings - 2024. Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports received the status of "reporter". Also, 2023 data was provided for Webometrics, another prestigious international ranking organization. The State University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan was included in this rating for the first time. The university took the 23055th place in the world, the 10021st place in Asia and the 73rd place among the universities of Uzbekistan. At the same time, a profile of the university is being created on the official website of the UI Green Metric international rating organization, and data is being presented.

The Head of Department: Sanjar Ramazanovich Jurayev
Reception days: Tuesday and Friday days (14:00 – 17:00)
Phone number: +998 95 828 70 18

Chief specialist: Kadamov Bekzod Yuldashovich
Phone number: +998 90 109 99 75