Plan- finance section activity
The department of planning and finance (hereinafter referred to as the Department) of Uzbek state university of physical education and sports (hereinafter referred to as the university) is considered a structural structure of the university and is headed by the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Finance and Economic Affairs. obeys.
Compilation of income and expenditure estimates of budget and extrabudgetary funds of the planning and finance department, conducting economic analysis, preparation and presentation of reports on the implementation of the plan for the university sector, states and contingent, model states is responsible and responsible for monitoring the correct management of the schedule and regular financing of the university's activities.
The department, together with the university accounting department, provides the university with financial resources in accordance with the established procedure, prepares reports, analyzes, summarizes and informs the management about the results.
Tasks and functions of the department
1. The main tasks of the department are as follows:
- conducting work in the department on the basis of current regulatory legal documents, as well as organizing work using modern technical tools and information technologies.
2. The department performs the following functions in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it:
- generally manages department employees;
- conduct department activities in compliance with regulatory legal documents, as well as organize accounting work using modern technical tools and information technologies;
- pre-controls the timely and correct formalization of documents in the department, as well as the legality of the operations being carried out;
- prepares, approves and submits budget and extra-budgetary income and expenditure estimates and state tables to the competent authorities for registration;
- ensures the creation and presentation of reports on the implementation of the plan for the network, states and contingent;
- supervises the correct maintenance of the table of model states;
- conducts economic analyzes and maintains university management accounts;
- develops plans to provide the necessary educational equipment and technologies for the educational process to pass at a high level, to improve the living conditions of young people living in student houses;
- improves the university's economic situation, ensures effective spending of funds, implements expenses based on established plans, and ensures that excess expenses are not allowed;
- based on the most important performance indicators (KPI), evaluates the performance of professors, teachers and employees, and submits analytical calculations to the commission meeting of the university for the purpose of financial incentives for employees and assigning increases to their monthly salaries based on the results of the evaluation;
- maintains a collection of instructions on the duties of the units in accordance with the staff schedule;
- controls the provision of university staff (professors, assistants, assistants and part-time workers);
- plans to train specialists;
- submits monthly, quarterly, annual reports to district (city) statistics departments;
- keeps an account of hourly payment of labor for conducting training sessions;
- keeps records of contracts provided by lessees for existing buildings and structures that are leased, and receives figures for utility payments from responsible employees and submits relevant calculations to accounting;
- participates in the development of the medium and long-term strategy for the development of the university;
- develops the business plan of the university.
3. The department may perform other tasks and functions within its powers.

Department of head: Karimov Jakhongir Ganiboyevich
Reception days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Reception time: 1600 - 1700
Phone number: +998 97 752 09 22