Accounting department activity
The department is depended to the rector of the university and the vice-rector for financial and economic works. The accountant is responsible and liable for the truthfulness of reports related to financial and economic issues and their submission. The accounting office coordinates the university's financial situation, targeted spending of funds, material and technical support, financial and economic activities with the administrative and economic department.
The accounting department, together with the planning and financial department, provides the university with financial resources in accordance with the established procedure, prepares accounting and reports, analyzes, summarizes and informs the management about the results.
Accounting department tasks and functions
The main tasks of the account are:
- keeping accounting on the basis of current regulatory legal documents, as well as organizing accounting work using modern technical tools and information technologies;
- the timely and correct formalization of accounting documents and the legality of the operations being carried out;
- budget funds , as well as extra-budget funds, are used for specific purposes provided for in the cost estimate , as well as regular control over the integrity of funds and material assets ;
- organization of accounting at the university in accordance with legal requirements;
- to calculate the wages and equivalent payments of employees at the university , as well as students' scholarships in the prescribed manner and on time ;
- receiving, formalizing and making calculations in the prescribed manner from the responsible persons for accounting , allocation and spending of business trip expenses ;
- timely implementation of settlements with legal entities and individuals that arise during the execution of the estimate ;
- of funds , calculations and material values, as well as other assets and liabilities, timely and correctly formalize the results of the inventory and reflect them in accounting ;
- explanatory work to materially responsible persons regarding the preservation of the integrity of the material values under their responsibility and accounting ;
- keeping records of power of attorneys issued for obtaining material assets and organizing their proper use;
- preparation and submission of financial reports within the specified periods;
- regular control of the integrity of fixed assets and other material assets in their places of storage and use;
- that information on the current state and movement of assets, property rights and obligations, the state of creditor and receivables is fully and correctly reflected in accounting reports;
- providing information to relevant departments about funds received from students to the university account by payment-contact type of education;
- ensuring the maintenance of accounting documents, account registers;
- ensuring the fulfillment of other duties provided for by law.
- performs the following functions to fulfill the tasks assigned to it :
- ensures that accounting and reporting are carried out in accordance with the prescribed forms , analyzes and informs the management about the results;
- organizes the proper maintenance of reports on the movement of funds, goods and fixed assets, ensures compliance with national standards;
- analyzes and summarizes financial statements, provides information to management and relevant bodies;
- prepares, summarizes, and reports on the receipt of funds to the budget and extra-budget accounts of the university, including funds from students on the payment-contact type of education, and their spending provides information to the management, prepares documents for relevant bodies;
- analyzes the correct use of the salary fund allocated to the university, as well as the correct calculation and timely transfer of payments from salary to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds;
- participates in seminars, training sessions and other events with employees of the accounting department of institutions in cooperation with the central accounting department of the ministry in order to discuss issues related to accounting activities and exchange experience;
- issues power of attorneys, registers and keeps accounts for the delivery of goods and cash, as well as the acceptance of performed works and services;
- keeps records of business contracts concluded by the university, monitors their execution, ensures timely payments and keeps copies of contracts.

The Head of Department: Maxamov Mirobid
Reception days: Monday-Saturday (1500 - 1700)
Phone number: +998 70 717 37 73