The Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sports is one of the largest institutions in Central Asia, training highly qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in Uzbekistan. The institute was originally founded in August 1955. In 1958, the department of boxing, wrestling and weightlifting was created. I. Sirotkin was appointed head of the department. Among the graduates and teachers of the department, the majority have the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Professors: Sh.A. Abdullaev, G.B. Abdurasulova, V.Alekseenko, Sh.N.Zokirov, Z.T. Kosimbekov, A. Rafikova, I. Sadriddinov, M.I. Sidikov, F.K. Turdiev, V.N. Shin, A.A. Kodirov, R.A. Maksimov, Kh.I. Mukhamedov, B.N. Nazarov, T. Polatov, I.Yu. Shamsematov, A.S. Gelyagen, (boxing), K.A. Tazhieva, O.A. Zaburnyagin, L.I. Efremova, P.A. Kutelinas, V. Mikhailov, E.N. Sokolova, N.A. Fetisova (fencing) conducted their activities at the department for many years. Since 2008, in connection with the addition of such specialties as fencing and taekwondo to the department, the department began to be called “Theory and Methods of Boxing, Fencing and Taekwondo.” In 2017, by presidential decree, the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture was awarded the status of a university.
In 2021, the department was renamed the department of “Theory and Methodology of Boxing and Fencing,” this was due to the fact that Taekwondo was combined with karate and became a separate department. In the same year, a new direction “kickboxing” was opened at the department and the department began to be called the department “Theories and Methods of Boxing, Kickboxing”. In 2023, in September, a new direction “Muay Thai” was opened at the department, which again changed the name of the department to the department “Theories and methods of boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai.”
The department constantly cooperates with related departments of the institutes of physical culture of the South Korean state and the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the future, it is planned to create a research laboratory at the department, equipped with scientific and medical equipment for carrying out research work, from 2021. The Department of Theory and Methods of Boxing and Fencing, headed by Yu. Serebryakov. The Department of “Theories and Methods of Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai” has set itself the goal of preparing worthy personnel with high potential and preparing athletes who will raise our country on world stages. This academic year, the teaching staff is 26 people, including: 5 professors, 1 acting professor, 3 associate professors, 1 acting associate professor, 4 senior teachers and 11 teachers. Currently, the teaching staff of the department has high potential, where doctors of sciences, professors: R.D. Khalmukhamedov, S.S. Tajibayev and professors T.M. Kilichev, V.D. Anashov, Sh.S. Dilmurodov, assistant professors: K.A. Umarov, G.K. Radjabov, G.R. Matkarimov, acting professor: R.N. Abdukhamidov, senior teachers: K.S. Abdullaev, Sh.K. Karimov, M.Ya. Ergashev, R.K. Gafurov, teachers: Sh.B. Khudoyberdiev, F.K. Kilichev, R.T. Roziokhunov, I.I. Akramov, S.S. Eshpulatov, N.N. Abdukhamidov, Sh.R. Nizamova, Sh.Kh. Badalova, A.Sh. Kakhkhorjonov, Sh.U. Nabiev and F.Kh. Orifjonov. The department constantly cooperates with related departments of physical education institutes of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the future, it is planned to create a research laboratory equipped with scientific and medical equipment for conducting research work at the department. The Department of Theory and Methodology of Boxing and Fencing trains worthy personnel with high potential for our republic. Many Olympic champions, world and Asian champions study at the department.



Head of the department: Yurin Vladimirovich
Academic title: acting Professor
Academic degree: PhD
Email: malyalika@yandex.ru
Reception days: Tuesday - Friday (1400 - 1700)
Professor: Khalmukhamedov Rustam
Academic title: Professor
Academic degree: DSc
Email: r.halmukhamedov@uzdjtsu.uz
Professor: Tajibayev Soyibjon
Academic title: Professor
Academic degree: DSc
Email: soyibjon_tajibaev@mail.ru
Professor: Anashov Valikhan
Academic title: Professor
Academic degree: PhD
Email: valikhan.boks@mail.ru

Professor: Kilichev Tolkin
Academic title: Professor
Email: qilichevtolqinboxing@gmail.com

Teacher: Roziokhunov Rakhmatjon
Email: r.ruziakhunov@gmail.com

Professor: Dilmurodov Shukhrat
Academic title: Professor
Email: shukhratboxing@gmail.com

Assistant professor: Umarov Kakhkhorjon
Academic title: Assistant professor
Academic degree: PhD
Email: uzkoha@mail.ru

Assistant professor: Radjabov Gulomjon
Academic title: Assistant professor
Academic degree: PhD
Email: gulom_1979@mail.ru

Assistant professor: Matkarimov Gairat
Academic title: Assistant professor
Email: garrimatkarimov@icloud.com