The department of “The theory and methodology of physical education, sport” was founded in 1957. E.F. Ishchenko was the first head of it.During the period of the department, it was headed de the leading teacher-scientists they were the candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent K.F. Bakuniene, the candidate of p.s. docent I.M. Kolotilova, the candidate of p.s., docent K.M.Mahkamjonov, the candidate of p.s., professor R.S. Salomov, the candidate of Biologic sciences, professor Yu.M.Yunusova, the candidate of p.s., docent R.M. Matkarimov, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor F.A. Kerimov, the candidate of p.s., O.V.Goncharova. The candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent D.X. Umarov have been controlling this department since November, in 2016.

The chair of “The theory and methodology of physical education, sport” has been working as an independent department since 1960. Its composition was filled with some experienced teachers such as N. Zisman, L. Polyakova, B. Roytburg in 1967. The candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent K. Bakuniene was controlled this department from 1960 to1967, he made a great contribution to its formation and development. For the 1st time, the lectures on “The theory and methodology of physical education” were taught in Uzbek language.
The department was controlled by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent M. Godik (1967-1969), the candidate of biological sciences Yu.Yu. Yunusova (1972-1984) in different years. During this period the department was developed and achieved great successes. The leader specialists such as the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor R.S. Salamov, the candidate of biological sciences T.T. Yunusov, the candidate of biological sciences Yu.Yu. Yunusova and the highly qualified teacher S.R. Daurenova, E.Yu. Daurenov, M.A. Mirodilov, L. Polyakova, E. Tarasova, SH.X. Isroilov, N.M.Atamuxamedova worked there.
In recent years the member of students has been grown significantly due to the organization of “Professional education” and “Preschool and primary school education” in bachelor’s degree, the structure of the department “The theory and methodology of physical education, sport” has been also enriched.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of march 5, 2018 “On measures to improve the system of the Public Administration in the field of Physical education and sport on the basis of the Uzbek state Institute Physical education was renamed as the Uzbek state University Physical education and sport, and the department “The theory and methodology of physical education” was also changed into the department “The theory and methodology of physical education and sport”.
The department has been got great of achievements by the right direction of academic – methodological. Scientific – research, spiritual – enlightment affairs. In particularly the Republican Olympiad on “Theory and practice of Physical Education and Sport” has been regularly organizing by this department.
In 2017, the senior teacher of the department M. Mirjamolov, in 2020 the senior teachers of the department L. Kholmurodov, M. Tojiyev, teacher M. Nuriddinova, in 2022 the senior teachers of the department G. Salihova, E. Rakhmanov, in 2023 the teacher of the department Kh. The Kenjayevas successfully defended their thesis and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogic sciences. In 2022, the head of the department, professor D.Kh. Umarov, and in 2023, the professor of the department, D. Rakhmatova successfully defended their thesis and received the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc).
Also, in 2017, the senior teacher of the department, E. Rakhmanov, won the "Best teacher of the higher education institution" competition held by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education in the "Service sector" field of education of the republic stage of the 2017 "Specialization" competition. won the "best pedagogue" nomination.
The doctor pedagogical science, professor F.A. Kerimov was awarded with the Order of “Friendship” by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August, 2018.
Associate professor of the department E.T. Rakhmanov was awarded the "Physical Education and Sports Excellence" badge established by the Ministry of Physical Education and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020, the "30th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" commemorative badge in 2021, and the "Republic of Uzbekistan" badge in 2022 of the Constitution 30th anniversary" was awarded with a commemorative badge.
Professor of the department v.b., p.f.b.f.d. (PhD) E. T. Rakhmanov was appointed to the position of "Vice Rector for Academic Affairs" of the Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports from April 18, 2024.
Professor of the department, Ph.D. F.A. Kerimov, associate professor v.b. N.M. Atamukhammedova was awarded the medal "Veteran of Sports of Uzbekistan" according to the order of April 30, 2024 No. 4 of the Council of Veterans of Sports Organizations of Uzbekistan.
Nowadays the department conducts lectures and practical exercises on following disciplines for bachelor degree students:

Nowadays the department conducts lectures and practical exercises on following disciplines for masters degree students: