The first head of the Department of Athletics (from 1955-1956, 1962-1966) was the Honored Trainer of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nikolay Nikolayevich Bykov. The leading specialists of the department during these years were the honored trainers of Uzbekistan Baryshev Viktor Illarionovich, Vink Alexander Alexandrovich. The first candidate of pedagogical sciences in the Republic of Uzbekistan was Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Lebedyanskaya, head of the track and field athletics department (from 1956 to 1962). Since 1959, the Department of Athletics has increased in number due to graduates of the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute Yu.N. Puzanov, and the 1st graduation of Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture Yu.A. Krasilnikov, G.G. Arzumanov, A.V. Taranova.
Viktor Illarionovich Baryshev, Honored Trainer of the Republic of Uzbekistan, successfully combined academic work with training and prepared Oleg Ryakhovsky, world record holder in triple jump. In the period from 1970 to 1974, the Department of Athletics was headed by Hamrakul Tolipovich Rafiev - acandidate of pedagogical sciences. He published the first textbook on athletics in the Uzbek language. A graduate of Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture specializing in athletics since 1960, Gennady Georgievich Arzumanov worked in the department since 1961, and headed the department of athletics from 1975 to 1986. As a trainer of the national team of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he conducted extensive research on the problem of training sprinters and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.
From 1986 to 1987, the department of athletics was headed by Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Malykhina, a judge of the All-Union category. In 1979, there were 2 departments of athletics: at the coaching and pedagogical faculty. Between 1979 and 1995 the department of athletics of the pedagogical faculty was headed by a graduate of this department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, honored trainer of the Republic of Uzbekistan Klara Tashkentenbaevna Shakirzhanova. Since 1996, two athletics departments of the pedagogical and coaching faculties have reunited.
From 1987 to 1999, the department was headed by professor, candidate of biological sciences Andris Egon Robertovich. The main merit of Andris E.R. over the years of chairing the department, he worked actively in the Athletics Federation and led a comprehensive research group in the national team of athletes (young men and adults) and in other sports. From 1999 to 2001, the department was headed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kudratov Ropidzhon Kudratovich. During this period, the department produces teaching aids, sample programs and materials for testing in the state language. From 2001 to 2004, the Department of athletics was headed by a senior lecturer Rasulova Tillazhon Rakhimovna. In 1978-1980, she conducted scientific research with athletes of our Republic, and the results of scientific research were introduced into the training process of Junior athletes of the national team of the Republic.

Since 2004, the head of the Department was a graduate of the Department of athletics coaching faculty, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Smurygina Larisa Vladimirovna. She has prepared more than 50 scientific papers, 1 textbook, 1 textbook and more than 10 teaching AIDS. Since September 2008, the Department of athletics and weightlifting merged. The Department appointed a young talented scientist Matkarimov Rashid Maripovich. In 2008-2010, he supervised several scientific works of young scientists. During these years K. F. Bayazitov, N. T. Tukhtabaev and E. N. Chernikova were awarded the title of candidate of pedagogical Sciences.
Since February 2010, the Department was headed by a young talented scientist Ph. D. N. T. Tukhtabayev was appointed head of the Department. Tukhtabayev is the author of textbooks for teachers ' professional development and contributed to the publication of several manuals and 4 textbooks. N. T. Tukhtabayev took part in the organization and organization of high-level athletics competitions held by the athletics Federation.
September 2, 2013 Ph. D. Olimov Mukhsinbek Sotivoldievich was appointed head of the Department of theory and methodology of athletics, weightlifting and Cycling. In connection with the renaming of the Institute to the Uzbek state University of physical culture and sports in 2018, the Department was renamed the Department of "Theory and methods of athletics". Since 2019, in connection with the opening of new directions at the University, a new specialization of biathlon and triathlon has been added to the Department. From 2013 to 2019, the Department has prepared 6 textbooks, 6 manuals and more than 50 teaching AIDS, in local and foreign journals published more than 50 scientific articles. More than 20 masters under the leadership of M. Olimov were trained at the Department and defended their dissertations on topical topics. And prepared 10 msmk, more than 50 MS,150 KMS and pedagogical personnel.

From January 21, 2020, young specialist Ikrorzhon Rozikovich Soliev was appointed head of the department. Under his leadership, the faculty of the department prepared long-term plans and began to implement them in order to further improve the complex aspects of educational, methodological, research, sports and spiritual-educational work. According to the long-term plan determined in scientific research, to date, 1 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc) Olimov Mukhsinbek Sotivoldievich has been prepared, 7 people have defended dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Among them are Soliev Ikrorzhon Rozikovich, Sultanov Usman Ibragimovich, Burnashev Rashid Akhadovich, Khojamkeldiev Gafur Sultanovich, Ruzamukhamedov Kamoliddin Fakhriddinovich, Baratov Akmalzhon Muhammadzhonovich.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, Soliev Ikrorjon Rozikovich, Ganiboev Ikhtiyor Davlatalievich, Khaidarov Bekzod Shukuralievich, Yusupov Ibragim Abdumutalovich and Davlaterova Laila Bahodirovna received the title of associate professor from the teaching staff of the department. In the 2023-2024 academic year, Memetov Rustem Useinovich and Akmanov Botir Omanbaevich received the title of associate professor from the teaching staff of the department As part of the international cooperation of the department, contacts have been established with 4 foreign universities, and important work has been carried out in this area. In particular, 2 textbooks, 4 teaching aids and 2 joint articles were published.

The basic education, scientific degree, academic title and specialization of the professors of the department correspond to the specialty of the department. The department has 14.5 employees, including 1 head of the department, 2.5 professors, 3.75 associate professors, 5.75 senior teachers and 1.5 teachers

Associate Professor, Doctor of philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences
Head of the Department: Soliev Ikrorjon
Phone number: 944033600

Professor: Shakirjanova Clara
Phone number: 931040550

Professor: Olimov Mukhsinbek
Phone number: 958996622

Professor: Smurygina Larisa
Phone number: 935632512

Associate Professor: Ganiboev Ikhtiyor
Phone number: 909953699

Associate Professor: Baratov Akmaljon
Phone number: 903561333

Associate Professor: Khaidarov Bekzod
Phone number: 909263525

Associate Professor: Akmonov Botirbek
Phone number: 901344440

Teacher: Mirzatillaev Israil
Phone number: 911332575