The department of "Sports Law, Social and Natural Sciences" was established in 2022 on the basis of such departments as "Philosophy", "History of Uzbekistan and the foundations of building a democratic society" and on the basis of the Department of "Natural Sciences".The Department of Philosophy was established in 1956, and the Department of History of Uzbekistan and the Foundations of Building a Democratic Society in 1973.The first head of the Department of Philosophy was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor Khalturina V.P. In 1970-1990, such scientists and associate professors as: Aminova M.A., Ziyamukhamedov A.Yu., Irisbaev K.N., Shapovalova S.V., Yahyaev Sh. G., teachers Dinerstein A.S. taught and conducted their scientific and labor activities at the department., Dolkart E.I., Karimov M.B., Satrodubova O.N., Sultonova A.Zh., Usmonov I.N., Eshmatova E.Yu.During these years, the heads of the department were Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Mavloni E.M., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Shaternikov N.K., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Jalolov A.M., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Khasanova H.M. Until 2018, the department was headed by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Nazarov Nurali Normirzaevich.
In 1973, on the basis of the Department of History, the department "History of Uzbekistan and the foundations of building a democratic society" was established, the head of which was appointed Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Mavloni E.M. From 1973 to 2014, the heads of the department were Ayubzhonov E., Nurmukhammedov K.I., Aminov M.A., Shaternikov E.K., Ziyamukhammedov A.Yu., Makhmudov T.M., Asatova G.R., Khudoiberdiev R., Ganiev J.H., Dzhakhongirov B.B.On the basis of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-3197 on August 10, 2017, the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture was reorganized into the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Since 2018, the departments of Philosophy and History of Uzbekistan and the Foundations of Building a Democratic Society have formed a new department of Social Sciences and Humanities. In 2019, the name of the department was changed to "Social Sciences and Law", which was headed by Associate Professor N.A.Nazarov.
In 2022, as a result of the merger of the Departments of Social Sciences and Law and Natural Sciences, a new department of Sports Law, Social and Natural Sciences was created.Currently, the head of the department is associate professor Yakubov F.M., and the teaching staff has high potential and such professors as: Yugai L.P., Nazarov N.N., Akbarov A., Dzhakhongirov B.B., Shopulatov A., Dzhumagulov Sh., associate professors: Mirzakulov I., Turdimurodov Ya.A. are actively engaged in pedagogical activity., Dzhumaev U.H., Yusupova N.R., Cholliev S.I., Yusupova Z.H., senior teachers Turgunov T.A., Nurullayeva J.S., Mirjamalova N.Z., Abdikadirova N.S., Rasulov A.G., Dzhumaev M.H.,., Burliev U., Ibragimova S., Olkhovskaya I.V. and teaching assistants Kazokov R.T., Azamova M.G., Abdullaev I.I.

The department conducts scientific work in the direction of scientific and pedagogical foundations of training qualified personnel in the field of physical education and sports.The results of scientific works are published not only in the CIS countries, but also in foreign publications.The department has successfully defended 1 doctoral dissertation, 9 PhD theses, 48 master's theses and more than 50 theses.Currently, 7 young teachers of the department conduct scientific research as independent researchers.The teaching staff has published more than 500 scientific papers, the teachers of the department participated with their scientific articles at national and international conferences and symposiums.

The basic education, scientific degree, academic title and specialties of the professors of the department correspond to the specialty of the department. The department employs 31.5 full-time employees, including: the head of the department, 4 professors, 6 associate professors, 9 senior teachers and 10 teachers.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor: Musayev Bakhrom Bakhtiyorovich

Professor of the department, candidate of philosophy
Nazarov Nurali

Professor of the department, candidate of historical sciences
Jahongirov Burxon

Associate professor of the department, candidate of historical sciences
Jumayev Uygun

Associate professor of the department, History (PhD)
Turdimuratov Yangiboy

Associate Professor of the department, pedagogical sciences (PhD)
Yusupova Zebo

Associate professor of the department,
Yusupova Nargiza

Senior teacher of the department
Turgunov Toxir

Senior teacher of the department
Mirdjamalova Nilufar

Senior teacher of the department
Nurullayeva Djamilya