Department of Theory and methodology of tennis, badminton, table tennis
Tennis, badminton and table tennis are the most popular sports among the population of many countries of the world. For this reason, these sports are firmly included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games, which are considered important quadrennial competitions. As you understand, today we are talking about the activities of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Tennis, badminton, table tennis, the Faculty of Sports Games of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports.
The department is designed to attract wide sections of the population to sports, in particular, tennis, badminton and table tennis in our country, and thereby educate a physically healthy, spiritually developed generation, hold mass sports events and competitions, select, train and improve the skills of talented athletes, lead them to great sports, including training outstanding specialists, the introduction of modern technologies into the industry, the expansion of international relations, the promotion of the development of the sports industry in our country through research in scientific fields and many priority tasks in such areas.
Initially, tennis was created at the Department of sports games at the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture, the first head of this department was the Honored coach of Uzbekistan V.X.Shnurov (1955-1960), who headed the department. Later, the department was headed by Honored Coach of Uzbekistan G.L.Keshishev (1960-1968), Honored Coach of Uzbekistan B.F.Shvedux (1968-1970), Honored Coach of Uzbekistan I.I.Itskov (1970-1972), Professor O.T.Rasulov (1972-1974), Associate Professor A.S.Kasimov (1974-1984), Honored Coach of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L.R.Hayrapetyans (1984-2016). Over the years, experienced tennis specialists have worked at the department.Abidova, V.Bezverkhov, M.Gaziev, O.Muminov, N.Umarova, Sh.Chebotarev in the development of this sport deserve praise. It is worth noting the works of one of the most experienced and honorary mentors of the department, multiple champion of Uzbekistan in tennis (1969-1975), chairman of the coaching board of the Tennis Federation of Uzbekistan, master of sports, author of more than 50 scientific works, PhD, Ph.D. of biological sciences, professor Bezverkhov V.P.
Since 2011, the specialization of tennis has been transferred from the department of Sports games to the department of handball. Since 2014, the department has been renamed the Department of Theory and Methodology of handball, tennis, badminton, in order to develop badminton in the republic and train specialists, as well as strengthen human resources in this sport, the department of theory and methodology of handball, tennis, badminton recruited students for the badminton specialty. In order to develop mass sports in the country, the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle among the population, since 2020, the department of “Theory and Methodology of Tennis, Badminton” began its activity as a separate department, after the opening of the specialization of table tennis, at the Department of Theory and Methodology of handball, tennis, badminton.
Since 2023, the name of the department has been changed to the department “Theory and methodology of tennis, badminton, table tennis". Currently, enriching the educational process at the Department of student education and education of highly qualified specialists, associate professors Akhmedova N.I., professor Saidova Sh.D., senior teachers Azamatov A.I., Isroilov Sh.Sh., Umaralieva F.T., teachers Kholmatov B.U., Jalilova M.I., Makhmaraimov Zh.Zh., Nematullaev I.I.
At the department, as well as at other departments of the university, the circle of talented student-athletes who have achieved high results in sports is expanding every day. Many students and graduates of the department studying sports, as part of national teams, are winners and prize-winners of Asian and world championships, Olympic and Asian Games, international tournaments, adequately defend the honor of our Country.
In particular, tennis players of the international category Denis Istomin, Nigina Abduraimova, Farrukh Dustov, Vazha Uzokov, Sabina Sharipova, Ravshan Sultanov, Danis Baibekov, Fomin Sergey, Zarnigor Dostonova, Temur Satimova, Abdulaziz Yahshilikov, Abror Jalalov are veterans of the department. Masters of sports in table tennis: Saida Burkhonkhodzhayeva, Nodira Burkhonkhodzhayeva, Mohinakhon Ezozova, Fatima Yunusova, Rumiya Lutfullina, Zuleikha Yakubova, masters of sports Iqbal Nematullaev, Sayera Abdukhalilova, Stanislav Tyan, Kamila Khalikova, Nikita Panov, Evgeny Polegaev, Vladimir Polegaev, Lilia Polegaeva, Diana Polegaeva, Mokhira Kamalova, Maksud Nurpulatov, so The same can be called Barza Sanjarov, Bahadyr Ergashaliyev, Javakhir Istamov, Ulugbek Mahmudov, Bobur Sharipov, Mehriniso Norkulova. They are honorary graduates and student-athletes of the university and are currently contributing to the further development of tennis and table tennis in Uzbekistan. In badminton, international masters of sports Sherzod Zahidov, Philip Sideryuk, Zukhrakhon Kakhhorova, Sadikjon Sadykov, Hassan Kakhhorov, Shirin Shavkatova, Diyora Ariphanova, Alexander Kim, Aziz Hamidov, Sevinch Sadykova are always proudly mentioned. Also, a student of the ST-51-21 group studying in the field of table tennis, Yuldashalieva Muslima Izzatalievna, in December 2023 received a nominal scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Navoi" and received a referral for admission to the magistracy. Special attention is paid at the department to the scientific and pedagogical activities of the teaching staff. A lot of scientific and methodological works have been published on this topic, including textbooks, textbooks on disciplines. Cooperation has also been established with sports federations, specialized boarding schools of the Olympic Reserve, sports schools, as well as cooperation at the international level, the Japanese University of Sports and Science, the Chinese University of Physical Culture and Sports, the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, youth and tourism, St. Petersburg State University University of Physical Culture, sports and health named after Lesgaft P.F., the German Tennis Academy named after Lucas Maric.
In accordance with the long-term plans of the department, writing and publishing scientific and methodological literature on sports (textbook, teaching aid, methodological recommendations), ensuring the participation of the teaching staff of the department in obtaining knowledge, advanced training in practical training, in foreign educational institutions, organizing and conducting sports competitions among professors-the teaching staff of the university and students, the development of an educational and methodological and scientific–methodical complex of the educational and training process consists in the creation and conduct of complex scientific groups consisting of the teaching staff of the department, scientists, sports specialists of the Republican higher school of sports skills in sports games.
To date, the teaching staff of the department teaches the following disciplines:
- Introduction to the specialty of the chosen sport (tennis, badminton, table tennis);
- Organization of training sessions at the initial stage of training (tennis, badminton, table tennis);
- Theory and methodology of the chosen sport (tennis, badminton, table tennis);
- Organization of classes at the stage of the educational and training process (tennis, badminton, table tennis);
- Improving sports and pedagogical skills (tennis, badminton, table tennis);
- Methods of teaching tennis to preschoolers.
- Methods of teaching badminton to preschoolers.


Basic education, academic degree, academic title and specialization of the faculty of the department correspond to the specialization of the department. The department employs: the head of the department, 1 preofessor, 1 associate professors, 4 senior teachers and 4 teachers.

Head of the Department: Ganiyeva Markhabo
E-mail: marhaboganiyeva92@

Associate professor of the department: Akhmedova Nafisa Iskhudjayeva

Professor: Saidova Shakhnoza

Senior lecturer of the Department: Azamatov Аbdullo

Senior lecturer of the Department: Isroilov Shoolim

Senior lecturer of the Department: Umaraliyeva Feruza

Senior Teacher of the department: Kholmatov Bekzod

Teacher of the department: Djalilova Manzura

Teacher of the department: Makhmaraimov Jasur

Teacher of the department: Nematullyev Ikbol

Teacher of the department: Lutfullina Rumiya

Teacher: Karimova Gulmira Salim qizi

Semior teacher: Turobov Hatamjon