The Uzbek state university of physical education and sport considered as a single fundamental high educational Institution in training high qualified employees in the sphere sport in our Republic. The Tashkent physical school of physical education was found in 1935 by the need of training high qualified experts in physical education among Uzbek nation.
Unfortunately at that period the high qualified experts trained in the cities of Soviet Union such as Moscow and Leningrad and the high talented youth had to go these cities to study. It was founded the faculties for training the experts and couches in physical education in the Institutes. For instance the physical education faculty founded in 1949 in the Pedagogical institute named after Nizomiy and also 1951 in Fergana state pedagogical Institute. But the beginning of training the young generation with sport increased the need on sport experts. There were only 247 high qualified experts with the physical education specialties in different high educational Institutions, schools and sport organization in our Republic coming to 1955.
By this point of view, there was occurred one new problem with need immediate solution, which was the training the high qualified scientific employee, sport-instructions, and teachers in educational institutions, sport judges and couches. Besides that there was one significant problem, which was the lack of local experts in public spreading the physical education and also the passive increasing the sport in villages. At the result on 13 of august of 1955, by the 5972 decree of the government of Soviet Union, by the 653 decision of the Soviet of Ministers of Uzbekistan Soviet Social Republic from 27 October, it was founded the Uzbek state Institute of physical education.
The 2018 year was full of new changes in the history of University. Firstly, the Uzbek state university of physical education and sport founded in the bases of Institute of physical education and by the 5368 decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 5 of March of 2018 “about the events on deep increasing the system of government controlling on sport and physical education”.
Besides that, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 3 of May from 2018 “about organization the activity of physical education and Sport University of the Republic of Uzbekistan” opened the doors of opportunities.
There are 3 bachelor's degrees, 8 master's degrees, and 4 basic doctoral degrees at the university. The number of departments is 23, and trainings are being conducted based on the curriculum of the joint Uzbek-Belarus. Currently, there are 2 branches (Fergana and Nukus) at the university.
A total of 10,256 students are studying at the university. In particular, there are 4,300 students in full-time education, 1,823 students are graduators, 2,435 students are studying on an educational -fee, 96 students are studying at the master's degree department, 48 MD students are studying on a state grant, 48 MD students are on the educational -fee. The number of students in the correspondence education is 6,128. The total number of students of the Uzbek-Belarusian joint faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism is 86, among them 21students are studying at the bachelor's degree and 65 at the master's degree.
A total of 474 professors and teachers are working at the university. Among them: 13 doctors of science, professors (including a woman - average age - 41.7), 6 doctors of science, associate professors (including women - average age - 41.7); 17 candidate of science, professors (including 4 women, average age 67.3), 51 candidate of science and (PhD), associate professors (including 17 women, average age - 38.9), 31 science candidates and (PhD) (including 7 women, average age 38.1), 7 professors without academic degree (including 1 female, average age 75), 38 associate professors without academic degree (including 11 women, average age - 47.2). A total of 163 professor-teachers with academic degrees and titles. The scientific potential is 34.3% compared to professors and teachers in the main staff.
The activity of the Scientific Council on the specialty "DSc.03/30.2019.PhD.28.01 numbered 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of physical education and sports training" was launched with a new members. In 2022, about 51 investigators (5 of them doctor of science (DSc)) defended their dissertation papers in this Council. In 2023, about 43 candidates (8 of them doctor of science (DSc), 35 of them PhD) defended their dissertation papers. About 10 professors and 40 associate professors were awarded with academic titles during the academic year 2023-2024. In addition, 38 doctoral students and 258 independent researchers have started their scientific activities in 4 specialties of preparing scientific and pedagogical cadres.
Today, the university cooperates with a total of 52 foreign higher educational institutions and 2 international organizations (Asian Ice Hockey Federation and the International Boxing Association - IBA). Also, online conversation were held with 4 foreign universities: the United states Sports Academy, and Italian "Foro Italico" universities, and issues of cooperation were agreed upon. Currently, the delegation of the Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sport is on a business trip to Malaysia and they are negotiating with the of this country in order to conduct joint programs.
The fund of the University Information Resource Center comprises 222,962 publication units in 49,578 titles. Including: Scientific 23930 copies, Educational manuals 176690 copies, Fiction 21067 copies. There are 1263 copies of other literature, 16252 electronic literature, 12 Braille literature. A full-text database is available.
Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sport has unlimited access to foreign scientific programs: Web of Science, Ebsco, UzNel,,, databases. There are 3 classrooms in the information resource center, the number of seats is 130. Among them: about 54 seats in the students’ study hall, 16 seats in the the professor-teachers’ study hall, and 60 seats in the student study hall which’s situated in the Palace of Culture (Madaniyat saroyi).