In 1958, as part of the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture, the department of “Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy” began to operate, headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A. Turakhodjaev. The Department of Biochemistry and Hygiene was founded, headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor L.V. Avanesova in 1961.
Over the years, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan O.A. Rikhsieva (1959-2000), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.I. Rikhsiev (2000-2010), Doctor of Philology, Professor N.G. Gulyamov (2010-2014), candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Tursunov N.B. (2014-2018), candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Abdurakhmanov K.Kh. (2018). In subsequent years, the activities of the Department of Biochemistry and Hygiene were carried out by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M.U. Tuychibaev (1987-1996), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor N.A. Rakhmatov (1996-2004), candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Melieva M.S., b.f.s., associate professor Shamsutdinova G.T., b.d. Ph.D., Associate Professor S.A. Ziyamukhamedova.In the 2018-2019 academic year, the departments of “Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy” and “Biochemistry and Hygiene” had merged into the department of “Medical Biological Sciences,” headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor L.D. Seidalieva. In 2019, the Department of Sports Medicine and Biochemistry had created, which was headed by Z.Yu. Gazieva until 2021, and in 2021-2022 by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sh.I. Allamuratov, in 2022-2024 - Nishanov I.B.
The teaching staff of the department published 2 monographs, 16 textbooks, more than 100 manuals and recommendations, scientific articles in national and international publications. Currently, from among the teaching staff of the department, 5 people are conducting independent research work in the direction of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences. In 2023, the senior teacher of the department, Dilnavoz Toshkanovna Berdieva, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation (PhD) in biology. Some works are being done to improve the efficiency of implementing functional, medical-biological and biochemical control of athletes in accordance with agreements with sports federations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The department has a biochemical laboratory, which is equipped with modern high-precision equipment.
Basic education, academic degree and academic title, as well as specialties of the teaching staff correspond to the specialization of the department. The department employs 17 teachers, including 4 candidates of science, 2 associate professors, 3 senior teachers and 8 teachers.

The Head of Department: Xasanova Nilufar
Email:n.xasanova@ uzdjtsu.uz

Senior teacher: Nishanov Ilyos
Email: ilyos.nishanov@mail.ru

Senior teacher: Ismailova Muhayyo
Email: m.ismailova@uzdjtsu.uz

Senior teacher: Yeraliyeva Guljaxon
Email: stbk13@mail.ru

Teacher: Hamroev Isroil
Email: hamraevisroil1@mail.com

Teacher:Jorayev Nabijon

Teacher: Shaymardanov Ural
Email: abdullaboltayev723@gmail.com

Teacher: Avazniyazova Gulandam

Teacher: Zaynutdinova Dilfuza