The Department of Gymnastics began its activities in 1955 - from the first day of the creation of the State Institute of Physical Education of Uzbekistan. It was considered a leading and respected department not only at the institute, but throughout the republic. This is no coincidence, because gymnastics ranks first in the physical education system of any country.
Over the past period, the department has trained more than 10,000 highly qualified specialists in artistic gymnastics, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline, figure skating and freestyle. From the first days of the creation of the department, such strong trainers and teachers of that time as Balko R.T., Berezin A.M., Bolshakov G.V., Vnuchkov V.V., Egorov Yu.P., were invited to work in it. Zhorzholadze G.D., Karimov T.S., Kolotilova I.M., Petrov G.V., Popov Yu.P., Popova A.N., Tozhiev M.U., Khorobrov V.A., Shimanskaya A. .P. All of them, as the founders of the department, made a great contribution to the development of the organizational structure of the department, improving the methodological foundations of gymnastics, and creating good traditions. Young personnel replacing veterans continue these traditions.
The first head of the department was the Honored Trainer of Uzbekistan Egorov Yu.P (1955-1961). Later the department was headed by V.A. Malomet (1961-1963), candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Khorobrov B.A. (1963-1965), Honored Coach of Uzbekistan G.D. Zhorzholadze (1966-1967), candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Tozhiev M.U. (1967-1971), Honored Trainer of Uzbekistan Berezin A.M. (1971-1975), candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Niyazbekov U.R. (1975-1985 and 1989-1996), candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Lebedev N.I. (1985-1989), candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Efimenko A.I. (1996-2001), candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Eshtaev A.K. (2001-2023), Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor Eshtaev S.A. (from 2023 to present).
During this period, among the employees and graduates of the department were Lebedev N.I., Khonkeldiev Sh.H., Yuldoshev Kh.D., Yunusov T.T., Yunusova Yu.M., Tozhiev N.U., Umarov M.N., Yarashev K.D., Eshtaev A.K. became professors; Afanasyeva G.I., Vyaltsev A.S., Gostev E., Grigoryans M., Efimenko A.I., Ivanova O., Isyanov R.Z., Kolotilova I.M., Kulkova I.V., Malinina N. .N., Fetkhullova N.Kh., Khodzhaev F., Kholodov Zh., Musaev B.B., Yuldoshev K.K., Khasanova G.M. – received the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences and the title of associate professor; Eshtaev S.A., Ishtaev D.R., Yusupov G.A. – received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) and the title of Associate Professor; Umarov Kh.Kh., Morgunova I.I., Karimov Kh.A., Davurboeva M.Zh. – received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in pedagogical sciences (PhD).
Over 65 years of activity, the following students and graduates of the Department of Gymnastics have become winners or prize-winners of the Olympic Games, World, Asian and European Championships: Aibinder O., Baraksanova I., Batyrshina Y., Diamidov S., Zaripova V., Kodirkaev R., Levochkina E., Nedaykhleb G., Polyarush D., Saadi E., Savelyeva E., Semenchuk V., Teshabayev M., Kholodova E., Cheryazova L., Chusovitina O., Yakunin G., Fokin A., Khilko E. , Rakhmatova D., Kadyrov T., Sanakulova Z., Rakhmatova Zh., Ikromova T., Abduraufova H., Abdurakhimov R., Tashkenbaeva S., Serdyukova A., Ravshanbekova D., Shomuradovo N., Islamova T., Abdurasulov ABOUT. The department has trained 7 Honored Masters of Sports, 15 International Masters of Sports, 2 Honored Masters of Sports and more than 1,400 candidate Masters of Sports.Bolshakov G.V., Zhelnovakova L.D., Isyanov R.Z., Kolodyazhny V.V., Kuznetsova E.Yu., Nilova O.A., Ponasyuk R.Ya., Rakova E.M., Syrkin R .WITH. Mirzaev R.T., Irgashev R., Markelov A., Eshtaeva V.B., Khalikova N., Karimova S. received the title of international class judge.
Vnuchkov V.V., Viner I.A., Ishkova R.B., Kuznetsova S.M., Sarkisov R.G. were awarded the title of Honored Trainer of Uzbekistan, and more than 35 people became Honored Trainers of Uzbekistan.Over the years, the following employees of the department have worked and continue their activities to this day: Umarov M.N., Eshtaev A.K., Efimenko A.I., Alimova T.V., Videlgauz M.M., Voroshilov V.A. ., Galetko L.V., Giyazov I.A., Zapsis N.M., Ibragimov T.S., Ivanova O.F., Ishmukhamedova E.R., Karimov M.K., Korotkov V.A., Kolodyazhny V.V., Kolodyazhnaya T.A., Milto V.Z., Mokina G.N., Moskaleva O.L., Petrov I.V., Popova O., Starikov I.A., Tuychiev Z.U. ., Khasanova G.M., Fetkhullova N.H., Zhonkobilov U.A., Yusupov G.A., Morgunova I.I., Ishtaev D.R.
Teachers of the department have published more than 1000 scientific articles, monographs, textbooks and educational recommendations.Over the years of independence of our country, gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics have gained great popularity. The Department of Theory and Methodology of Sports Gymnastics works diligently and enthusiastically for the prosperity of sports and rhythmic gymnastics


The Head of Department: Yarashev Komiljon
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Eshtayev Anvar

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor.
Fetxullova Nelya

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences, associate professor.
Yusupov G‘ayrat Abdullayevich.
Toshmurodov Maqsud Xushvaqtovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), v.b. Docent
Umarov Xurshid

Teacher: To‘ychiyev Zuxriddin

Teacher: Jonqobilov uktam