Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 1, 2017 No. PF-5270 "On measures to fundamentally improve the system of state support for persons with disabilities" 2018-2019 academic year "Paralympic sport types" chair was established at the Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sport.
From the 2019-2020 academic year, the name of the department was changed to "Adaptive physical education and sport", Since 2023, the department has received the name "Adaptive physical education and parasport" and is still operating under this name. In order to ensure the implementation of the Decision No. 5114 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 18, 2021 "On measures for the further development of the Paralympic movement", a master's degree in the specialties of adaptive fitness, physical education and sport opened at UzSUPES, and until now, graduate students are accepted and training processes are being carried out.
Today, 13 professors and teachers are working in the department. These: head of the department – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor O.J. Dadabaev, three associate professors N.K. Svetlichnaya, S.A. Yunusov, L.B. Sobirova, (PhD), four senior teachers L.T. Davlatova, (PhD), Sh.Kh. Gafurov, E.A. Orinbaev, F.M. Muratov and five teachers N.Y. Valiyeva, D.B. Bakhtiyorov, Ch.A. Berdiyeva, M.R. Tashev, D.R. Kholboyeva and also interpreter for the deaf and dumb - Sh.Y. Qiyamova and head of the cabinet - M.M.Rakhimova are working.

The basic education, academic degrees and academic titles, specializations of the professors of the department correspond to the specialization of the department. The department has 15.5 workplace, of which 1 head of the department, 0.5 professors, 4 associate professors, 4 senior teachers, and 6 teachers are working in the main department.

Odiljon Dadabaev
Head of the department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor
E-mail: o.dadabaev70@mail.ru

Nailya Svetlichnaya
Associate Professor, "Higher Education Scholar", Candidate for Master of Sport
E-mail: svetnailya@gmail.com

DSc Docent: Laylo Sobirova
E-mail: sobirovalaylo90@gmail.com

PhD Docent: Lola Davlatova
E-mail: Loladavlatova795@gmail.com

PhD Docent: Eldor Orinbaev
E-mail: urinboyeveldoreldor@gmail.com

PhD Docent: Farkhat Muradov
E-mail: muradovfarhat1@gmail.com

Docent: Sherali Gofurov
E-mail: sheraligo003@gmail.com

Teacher: Nilufar Valiyeva

Senoir teacher: Mirzonabi Tashev
E-mail: mirsportmir7131@gmail.com

Senoir teacher: Dilshod Bakhtiyorov
E-mail: dilshodbaxtiyorov538@gmail.com

Teacher: Dildora Kholboyeva
Candidate for Master of Sport

Shokhsanam Kiyomova
Interpreter for the deaf and dumb
E-mail: givomvashohsanam@gmail.com