The Department of theory and methodology of national and international types of wrestling was opened in 1956 as part of the Uzbekistan physical education and Sport Committee. The department has also been called the Department of theory and methodology of national and international types of wrestling in different years. Under PD number 3306 President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 2, 2017 “on measures to further develop the National Sport Of Wrestling". In order to implement the tasks set out in PD-5368 decree of March 5, 2018 “on measures to radically improve the system of Public Administration in the field of Physical Education and sports”, as well as other regulatory legal acts related to this field, the department in question was divided into two departments: theory and methodology of International types of wrestling. At the Department of theory and methodology of types of international wrestling, initially managed by associate professor Tastanov from the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year. A. Tastanov served as the head of the Department. Since may 2019, Tangriev Alisher Jumanazarovich has passed the competition and was appointed head of the Department of theory and methodology of International types of struggle for a period of 5 years. From may 2020 to January 2023, Arslonov Shukhrat Arslon ugli served as the head of the Department. Adilov Sarvar Qakhramanovich worked as the head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of International Wrestling from January 2023 to February 29, 2024. Korobeynikov Georgy Valerevich has been working as the head of the department since March 1, 2024. Since September 2023, the judo direction has been separated from the Department. Nowadays, bachelors are given lectures and practical classes by the professors of the department in the areas of full-time and part-time education in the department: admission to the specialty of the selected sport, Organization of training at the initial preparatory stage, training at the training stage, improving sports pedagogical skills and training in the theory and methodology of the selected sport (sambo, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling).
In the areas of graduate studies, a lecture and practical training is carried out on the subject of scientific research in sports. To date, there are 15 textbooks and teaching aids, more than 100 methodological manuals and recommendations by professors and teachers of the department, as well as more than 600 scientific articles and abstracts have been published. The basic education, scientific degree, scientific title and specializations of professors and teachers of the Department correspond to the specialty of the Department. There are 18.75 state units in the Department, of which: the head of the department has one, three professors, one associate professor, four senior teachers, the main state unit covered eleven teachers, 0.75 state unit covered two teachers, half state unit covered three teachers, a quarter state unit covered one teacher. Professors at the department are E.I. Baiturayev candidate of Pedagogical Sciences professor Z.A. Bakiyev is a doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, professor Sh.S. Tursunov is a doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences. Associate professors S.Q. Adilov., D. Y.Tashnazarov, B.B.Odilov., Sh. Sh Gaziyev., senior teachers: M.A.Rajapov., X.A.Abdurazakov., J.A. Qubitdinov., F.A.Sadullayev teachers: O.N.Kurganov., D.X. Mamadkhojayeva, H.M.Kayumov., T.R Anarbayev., I.Z.Usmanova., I.I.Shagiyev., S.R. Ismatullaeva., X.D. Sultanov., I.M. Nigmatov., A. X. Melimuratov., A.B. Azizov., D.E. Karimberdievs are active. The department is constantly cooperating with institutes and academies of physical education of the Commonwealth of independent states, related departments. In the future, the department has a plan to create a research laboratory equipped with scientific and medical equipment in order to carry out research work. In 1990, the department opened the specialties" sports activities " Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, judo and sambo, and more than 200 specialists with higher education were trained in the activities. Currently, they are successfully operating in the regions of the Republic and abroad.
At present, lectures and practical classes are conducted on the following areas of full-time, correspondence and special correspondence education: judo, sambo on the types of Greco-run wrestling and freestyle wrestling, Sambo theory and Methodology, The Theory and methodology of Greco-Roman wrestling, The Theory and methodology of freestyle wrestling:
Currently, the department conducts lectures and practical classes for undergraduates in the following disciplines:
Tastanov.N.A " theory and methodology of Greco-Roman wrestling " training application 2014.
Bayturayev.E” theory and methodology of Sambo wrestling " training application 2016.
Tursunov. Sh.s." theory and methodology of Greco-Roman wrestling " educational application 2017.
Tursunov. Sh.s. "theory I methodika vidov borbi" educational application 2017.
Baytorayev.E, Odilov.B” improving sports pedagogical skills " drain application 2017yil.
S.Q. Improving sports pedagogical skills in the free and Greco-Roman struggle.// September 2017 tutorial.
Tastanov.N.A, Tursunov. Sh. S., Adilov S.Q, Abdullayev.Sh improving sports pedagogical skills (free and Greco-Roman wrestling) 2017 tutorial.
Tastanov.N.A" theory and methodology of types of struggle " textbook 2017.
Tursunov. Sh. S. “theory I methodika vidov borbi” 2018 tutorial.
Adilov S.Q. Improving sports pedagogical skills (freestyle wrestling).// Published in the library of the acadim of Sciences. 2019 tutorial. B. 195.
Toshnazarov Dj.Yu. Improving sports pedagogical skills (Greco-Roman wrestling) Volume 1 2019 tutorial.
Toshnazarov Dj.Yu. Improving sports pedagogical skills (Greco-Roman wrestling) Volume 2 2019 tutorial.
Sh.A.Mirzakulov, E.S.Lyulina tutorial " Martial arts, cyclic and coordination sports " 2019.
Toshnazarov Dj.Yu., Tursunov. Sh., M.A.Urdabayeva., N.G'. Mustafayev” Theory and methodology of types of wrestling (for the 3rd year)” 2020 tutorial.
Toshnazarov Dj.Yu., Tursunov. Sh., A.I.Abdullayeva., D.B.Bo riev, M.M.Abduazimov teaching manual " Theory and methodology of types of wrestling” 2020.
Baytorayev.E, Odilov.B, Radjabov. “Theory and methodology of types of international wrestling” manual. 2020.
Adilov S.Q. Technology for the development of coordination abilities of athletes in wrestling and improving the effectiveness of technical and tactical activities. Monograph T.: « Publishing house of the library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ». 2021.160 b.
Adilov S.Q. Theory and methodology of free wrestling. Published in the library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Textbook. 2021
Sh.A.Mirzaqulov, E.S.Lyulina. Manual. Methods of teaching motional and national games. 2021
Tursunov.Sh.S. Monograph. Improving the technical and tactical training of Greco-Roman wrestlers.
Toshnazarov Dj.Yu. Monograph. Improving the effectiveness of modeling in training beginner group Greco-Roman wrestlers in technical methods. Chirchik. 2022.
Adilov S.Q. Theory and methodology of free wrestling. Creative press (Braille for the visually impaired) G. I. Textbook.
Tastanov N.A. Abdullayev Sh.A. Tursunov Sh.S. Adilov .Tutorial. Improving sports pedagogical skills.
Head of the department.
Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences.
Master of sports in Greco-Roman wrestling.
Korobeynikov Georgiy Valerievish
Associate professor, Doctor of philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences,
master of sports in freestyle wrestling.
Adilov Sarvar Kaxramonovich
Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
master of sports in freestyle wrestling.
Bakiyev Zafar Abdishkurovich
Professor, Master of sport in freestyle wrestling.
Bayturayev Erlan Isakovich.
Doctor of philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD).
Tursunov Shukhrat Sabitjanovich.
Doctor of philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD),
associate professor.
Odilov Bakhrom Bakhtiyorovich
Doctor of philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD),
associate professor, Master of sports in Sambo
Gaziiev Shukurjon Shukhratovich
Senior teacher
Abdurazzokov Khasan Abduazimovich
Senior teacher
Rajapov Muhammadjon Radjapovich
Senior teacher
Kubitdinov Jamshed Abduraxmonovich
Senior teacher
Sadullayev Farhod Aliyevich
Mamadxo'jayeva Dilfuza Xamidulloyevna
Azizov Ahror Bakhriddinovich
Anarbayev Temur Risbekovich
Usmonova Iroda Zaynidinovna
Ismatullayeva Sangina Ravshanovna
Shagiyev Ildus Ilyasovich
Kayumov Khalilillo Mavlonovich
Kimsanboyev Javokhir Abdulvoqiyevich
Melimuratov Azizbek Kholmurodovich
Karimberdiyev Doniyor Erkinovic