Special abilities
Shrift o'lchami:

Master's degree subjects

Subject Department Grade
1 Scientific and methodological bases for the preparation of athletes in football. Faculty of Football 1
Subject Department Grade
1 Scientific research in sports Faculty of wrestling 1
Subject Department Grade
1 Scientific and methodological bases for the training of athletes in boxing. Faculty of martial arts 1
Subject Department Grade
1 Scientific and methodological bases for training athletes in swimming. All-around sports fakulteti 1
2 Scientific and methodological foundations for the training of athletes in rowing All-around sports fakulteti 1
Subject Department Grade
1 Comprehensive Adaptive Sports Training Paralympic Faculty 1
2 Adaptive sports and rehabilitation technologies of physical education Paralympic Faculty 1
3 Scientific research in the field of adaptive physical culture and sports Paralympic Faculty 1
4 Types of management and sports classification in adaptive physical culture Paralympic Faculty 1
5 Technologies for training athletes for adaptive sports. Paralympic Faculty 1
6 Scientific research in the field of adaptive physical culture and sports Paralympic Faculty 2
7 Design of pedagogical technologies in adaptive physical culture and sports Paralympic Faculty 2
8 Adaptive physical culture and sports management Paralympic Faculty 2
9 Comprehensive Adaptive Sports Training Paralympic Faculty 2
Subject Department Grade
1 Research planning in psychology Paralympic Faculty 1
2 Psychotechnologies in sports Paralympic Faculty 1
3 Quantitative and qualitative research methods in psychology Paralympic Faculty 1
4 Methodology of sports psychology Paralympic Faculty 1
5 Psychology of management Paralympic Faculty 1
6 Psychological preparation in Paralympic sports Paralympic Faculty 1
7 Psychology of management Paralympic Faculty 2
8 Methodology of sports psychology Paralympic Faculty 2
9 Psychological preparation in Paralympic sports Paralympic Faculty 2
10 Health psychology Paralympic Faculty 2
11 The personality and activities of a sports psychologist Paralympic Faculty 2
12 Psychology of interpersonal conflict Paralympic Faculty 2
13 Public psychology Paralympic Faculty 2
Subject Department Grade
1 Physical education, theory and methodology of sports Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
2 Methods of teaching special subjects Faculty of sports management and tourism 2
Subject Department Grade
1 Marketing communications in sports. Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
2 Sports marketing Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
3 Sports Economics and Management Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
4 Sports facilities marketing Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
5 Financing projects in sports Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
6 Sports management Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
7 Digital economy Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
8 Sports Economics and Marketing Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
9 Mathematical modeling in sports Faculty of sports management and tourism 2
10 Financial management in sports. Faculty of sports management and tourism 2
11 Entrepreneurship in sports Faculty of sports management and tourism 2
Subject Department Grade
1 Scientific and methodological foundations for the training of athletes in artistic gymnastics Faculty of sports management and tourism 1
Subject Department Grade
1 Sports morphology Faculty of Medicine 1
Subject Department Grade
1 Mathematical and statistical analysis in sports 1
2 Statistical analysis in sports 1
3 Research Methodology 1
4 International sports law 1
5 Mathematical modeling in sports 2
6 Scientific research in sports 2
Subject Department Grade
1 Information society theories 1
2 Principles for the development of sports journalism 1
3 Fundamentals of mediaology 1
4 A culture of speech 1
Subject Department Grade
1 Physiological classification of the selected sport Faculty of Medicine 1