Defense of the dissertation by Aliev Iskandar Bakhramovich on the topic “Scientific and theoretical foundations of the stages of long-term training in wrestling” for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc) in on specialty 13.00.04 – “Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture” will take place on 27th March, 2025 at 14:00 at a meeting of the scientific council under number DSc.03/30.12.2019.Ped.28.01 at the Uzbek state university of physical education and sport.
Address: 111709, Tashkent region, Chirchik city, Metallurglar street, 15. Small conference hall of the “Palace of Culture” of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Tel .: (0-370) -717-17 79,717-27-27, fax .: (0-370) 717-17-76, e-mail: