Defense of the PhD Thesis of Shadjalilov Sherzod Inogamovichning, on the Major of “13.00.04 – Theory and methodology of physical education and sports” on theme Improvement of the methods of using mobile applications in training future physical education teachers (on the example of the discipline “IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED FOOTBALL PLAYERS” (on pedagogical sciences) November 30 th, 2021 will be held at 10:00 at the meeting of the Small conference hall DSc.03 / 30.12.2019.Ped.28.01, awarding degrees at the Uzbekistan state university of physical education and sport.
Address: 111709, Tashkent region, Chirchik city, St Sportchilar, 19. Building "B" small conference hall Tel .: (0-370) -717-17 79,717-27-27, fax .: (0-370) 717-17-76, e-mail: uzdjtsu@uzdjtsu.uz.