On April 21 of this year, at the State University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan, further expansion of the involvement of youth in sports, organization of public sports competitions among students, selection of highly talented students and young people as professional athletes establishing a training system, maintaining sports facilities in the regions, their effective use in the future, and improving the quality of training of qualified personnel with comprehensive knowledge in accordance with international standards in the field of sports, rapid development of science in sports, highly qualified competitive trainers-teachers, specialists and a presentation was held on issues of further improvement of training processes of scientific staff.
The presentation was attended by the Deputy Minister of Sports Shakhrillo Makhmudov, Head of Department of the Ministry of Sports Farkhod Turdiyev, Rector of the University Rashid Matkarimov, Rector's advisors, vice-rectors of the University, officials of the National University of Uzbekistan and the Institute of Physical Education and Sports Scientific Research, as well as foreign participants. experts Georgy Korobeynikov and Lesia Korobeynikova, professors of Cologne Sports University of Germany, Yang Binsheng, professor of Beijing Sports University, and Korean scientist Kim Er Jung participated.
Tadbirda universitetning barqaror rivojlanishi, o‘quv jarayoniga xalqaro ta’lim standartlariga asoslangan ilg‘or pedagogik texnologiyalar, o‘quv dasturlari va o‘quv-uslubiy materiallarni keng joriy qilish masalalari, shuningdek, O‘zbekistonda sport ilmiy tadqiqot ishlarini rivojlantirish dasturlari muhokama qilindi.
At the event, the issues of the sustainable development of the university, the wide introduction of advanced pedagogical technologies based on international educational standards to the educational process, educational programs and teaching-methodical materials, as well as programs for the development of sports scientific research in Uzbekistan were discussed.
After that, Mukimjon Arzikulov, the responsible official of the Ministry of Sports, made a presentation on the issues of organizing student sports in Uzbekistan based on a new system and improving the educational direction of sports activities.
According to the discussion by further developing student sports in Uzbekistan, expanding the network of sports clubs of higher education institutions and increasing the number of student sports leagues, the level of students' participation in sports will be gradually increased in 2024-2027 will reach 45 percent.