Defense of the dissertation paper of Khasanov Azizbek Bakhtiyarovich on the specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of physical education and sports, under the theme "IMPROVEMENT OF THE RATING SYSTEM THAT DETERMINES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" (on pedagogical sciences) August 11, 2021 will be held at 08:00 at the meeting of the Academic Council DSc.03 / 30.12.2019.Ped.28.01, awarding degrees at the Uzbek State University of Physical education and Sport.
Address: 111709, Tashkent region, Chirchik city, St Sportchilar, 19. Building "b" small conference hall Tel .: (0-370) -717-17 79,717-27-27, fax .: (0-370) 717-17-76, e-mail: